Month: February 2019

He who doesn’t

I don’t need him. But in his world, mine. His voice and presence would be well appreciated. I’m not frail. I’m fierce. But near death. I’m female. Safety will never be mine. I have heart. Wisdom. Courage beyond logic. That is in fact my fragility.   No doubt.  I have privilege; and I stand watch. …

He who doesn’t Read More »


I’m not normal. I’m exceptional. Not in the ways most are measured, by themselves or others. I’m exceptional in how I measure myself. I fail where others see success. I succeed where others see failure. But most of all – I’m exceptional in my desire to uncover and honor me.

Beloved stranger

I can’t believe I never knew you.  I barely saw you. Always there, my special someone. Layers upon layers, hidden in the dark. Folds and colors when seen in the light. Pleasure. Purpose. Power and fate. Forever to be shared and explored. My birthright.

Coming to Light

Here’s what haunts me:NumbnessI get it. It feels,SafeFor the moment, GreyI await the smoldering coal request:FeelMy morning light.