
Poetry addressing Heart Chakra


I don’t know when it began, this lifetime or past. But this time, my memory and heartwarmed upon our first introduction. A friend, a lover, I knew not. So so long ago,I found myself missing you as our eyes and voices first infused. Odd. Please, I said. Take a seat. Tell me our story dear …

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Whale Song

It was in a Hawaiian ocean that I first felt your power and presence. I had come to you for me,running into you as my heaven and earth. You took my breath away,and embraced my entire body with your smooth salty lips. As the salt waters caressed my heart andcreative currents birthed from the deep …

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Never the same

I never saw you coming. So familiar our gaze,your voice and my respect. And with that invitation,your honesty, and my complete trust,you unwrapped me. And as if waiting a lifetime for this very moment,my ribbons dropped to the floor in unison. ShakingFlowing You lead and I followed. Good riddance and hello took over my core …

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Unwelcome guests

I can’t tell where it exactly resides. Somewhere between my throat and heart, right of center. I can’t really describe the feeling accurately. Is it a thump of a drum? A pill caught in my throat? It doesn’t exactly start or end. It’s more like a soundwith physical attributes that intensify irregularly with hums to …

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Take me home

Primal sacred places come from such mind blowing devastation. How can that be, when we can so easily access these places and enjoy their bounty birthed of scars and cycles of resurrection that miraculously transpired over thousands of years? I come to you. Viewing the layers and altitudes of carved rock cliffs, botanical gardens, and …

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