Third Eye

Poetry addressing Third Eye Chakra (vision, psychic)

To be found

A gaze, beyond magnetic. I thought I couldn’t be seen. Not one captured in this lifetime – but from one long since past A story of two; paths so dark, convergent and yet parallel amidst the desert Lost and thrown away, as if by design Our oasis presented The King and Queen of sands.


She’s seldom welcomed, but she owns the room. The purpose, hers. Years of running into a wall, when it’s the only way out. Legs firm – her ground secure. Heart centered – purpose claimed. Mind forward – fate designed. Spirit driven; she leaps into her own divinity.


I love sensuality. And the endless power behind it. The knowing, calm and focus.Sleepy eyes that know their privilege, purpose and target. I love my body – regardless of state,how it tests my mind and heart. All for me. And that’s exactly why I scare the shit out of most men (and women) As I …

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What is

A sailor and vessel these, reality and will Carried by the waters of truth and circumstance, forces untamed Half chance, shell in the surf Half masterpiece, whale in migration I sail

What this woman wants

Respect of the feminine as a celebrated soul mate of the masculine. Capacity and courage to love and connect deeply. Freedom to think, learn and lead; together. Protection without having to ask. Friend, lover, teacher and humorist. You cherish me, and I you.

Alpha Female

I’ve spotted you, but I don’t need to touch you. I have already captured you. And my next move is based upon your ensuing response. Afraid? Release. Curious? Inquire. Aroused? Engage. And with that, pray you, we feast.

His and hers

He falls apart differently than me. When I’m dropped by the world at large,or the effects of my undoing,I fall deep into the earth’s core. Bottomless as much as it is endless.I reach my destination of damp darkness in my cavernous chest.Hovering to numbness until I catch that glimmer of light high above me.My feet …

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